Saturday 17 August 2024

To Think Bigger Means To Let Your Wings Span Wider

 I have been around friends, mates, colleagues and peers.

There is always something we gain.

There is always something we give.

It is said learn from those who are better than you.

I dare say learn from everyone.

That way you don't pretend.

That way you remain honest.

Those better than you teach you that to scale the heights one needs tough nails.

Those you are better than teach you the value of what you can leave behind as well as the gentleness of humility.

Learning expands and therefore it transforms.

Learning enriches and therefore it generates into a treasure trove one can count on.

To think bigger means to embrace both kinds of peers.

The ones who know better than you and the ones who know less than you.

You learn both ways.

Wednesday 3 January 2024

This Time We Are Doing Ottawa!

Ottawa with its art written in form of imposing buildings whose sheer size is mesmerizing and the shared space between vast water ways, escarpments, huge rues, streets, avenues, promenades and the side-by-side French-English lettering is a unique and galvanizing taste for any beholder.

National War Memorial Courtesy of

It is the beautiful capital city of Canada, marinated in epochal historical events, stunning jaw-dropping architecture, heart-stirring picturesque parks, the crowd-pulling and memorably iconic Rideau Canal.

The city is spread far and wide nestled with comfortable residences a ride away from the numerous national museums telling tales of the happenings bygone; cultural institutions showcasing the mingling of traditions from all over the world; markets such as the Byward Market and Le Moulin de Provence displaying local and diaspora delicacies and wares; and the charming streets like York, Rideau and Dalhousie streets whose roadside cobbled curbs are wide enough to allow impromptu community fairs make this city a popular destination for tourists and residents alike.

Seeing Ottawa from the comfort of a bus, car, bus or train for a first timer like me, gives one a glimpse of a city and surrounded by vegetation, skies, water bodies and other forms of nature. It is a magnet of vibrancy with many people walking with purposeful strides, some sitting in corners smoking, others stomping the ground and pulling thick jackets over their heads or any exposed part of the body.

At one point one cannot help to wonder who hauled all that iron, steel, copper or bronze through the narrow streets and up the embankments to erect statues or guns whose sight draws many people.

The red, brown, yellow, green and glass windowed trendy restaurants and bars with sweet mouth-watering aromas are filled with clients ordering this or that.

The large health facilities, universities, tech and business centers make this city a bus place.

For the outdoorsy that enjoy long walks, hiking, skiing, or kayaking, Ottawa never disappoints. It is exciting to be in Ottawa. Indeed do the Ottawa. Some of the pictures we have used for clarity’s purpose are taken from

After a visit to Ottawa's Scenic places-1

After a visit to Ottawa's Scenic places-2

After a visit to Ottawa's Scenic places-3

Travel Enriches and Fulfils- A Gift From Me To Me And A Happy 2024!

Travel Enriches and Fulfils

Pulled by the tail-end of the year 2023 and hurled forward by the flag-bearer days of 2024, I barreled through Nairobi, Kampala, Entebbe, Amsterdam, Mexico City, Washington DC, New York, Buffalo, Niagara City, Toronto City, Ottawa City to Rockland and made them my homes away from home.

Travel expands one’s perception and understanding of life surrounding one whether at the immediate or distant vicinity.

Travel is a medium through which one fulfils plans made earlier about a journey. It is a mental, physical, cultural, emotional, spiritual, economic and social exercise. 

How one relates contributes to one’s self-esteem, self-worth, self-recognition and self-preservation. When one travels they have in mind five things: to arrive at a given destination; experience the journey; be able to make the connection between staying the course as well as fulfilling the requirements of the journey such as having all one’s documents in order; noting landmarks and learning from the experiences of travel; and ensuring that the journey adds value to one’s meaning of life.

I started this journey from Kenya’s bustling Nairobi where I took a bus on the 24th/12/2023. I had to book a hotel room to be nearer to the bus station and it enabled me to check in earlier too even if the bus came an hour after the designated time of departure.

I used the time before the arrival of the bus to strike conversations with potential travel-mates. Among these mates were those who would sit next to during the next 500+ miles to Kampala which would be covered through the entire night. I like to converse and ask about other people when traveling. I intended to break the ice earlier so that once I start asking questions people will feel comfortable talking and sharing experiences.

I got to know many Ugandans, Sudanese, Ethiopians, Eritreans and Kenyans who were going to Uganda for Christmas time using that same bus.

By 6:00 am we were in beautiful Kampala City on Christmas Day.

Earlier on in December 2023, I had made up my mind to travel to Mexico City, Toronto and eventually to Washington DC. However, it was also Christmas time so I had to start small and progress onwards. I enjoy traveling in order to get away, be able to see places and getting to feel the physical world again after being closed up in the virtual or zoom. I have done a lot of virtual interactions that I have forgotten what it means to live in a physical world. I am sure travel will bring back some of that experience.

Christmas came and went. On the 27th/12/2023, I went to book all my tickets with my favourite flier, the KLM. I enjoy the activities that go on as one makes the booking, waits, pays and gets the satisfaction that any given task has been accomplished.

The thrill that comes with traveling to the airport, getting all the luggage checked in, approved, one allowed to walk through the gates and hop onto the plane.

Travel Enriches and Fulfils:


1.      The welcome feeling at Entebbe International Airport; 

2.      The deep hospitality of the Schiphol International Airport; 

3.      The timely and expedient touch of the Mexico City International Airport (MEX); 

4.      The relaxing, laid back and assuring atmosphere at the Dulles International Airport (IAD);

5.      The broadness of Washington DC seen from the sky, so breath-taking;

6.      The memories of the nearness of the cotton fluffy clouds as one takes to the sky form the Schiphol Airport that keep coming back even as I travelled through different cities from Washington DC, New York, Buffalo, Niagara City, Toronto, Ottawa, Rockland and back home to Washington DC;

7. Walking about the different cities and getting to see how they experience life.

8. Comparing the airports and knowing that it is possible to walk-in and out of them intact;

9. Knowing Amsterdam, Mexico City, Washington DC, New York, Buffalo, Niagara City, Toronto, Rockland and Ottawa;

10. Sitting down and writing about this experience.

Indeed travel expands one’s perception. I know so much more than I knew before I embarked in this journey. 

Travel contributes to one’s understanding of life surrounding one, for now I know what it means to live in chilly Toronto, Ottawa and Rockland. I know what it means to travel all night for so many miles and sitting in crumpled space. I know what it means to have luggage fall on one's head (fortunately the overhead stow away space in most of the buses accommodates tiny bags whose weight does not hurt that much). I know so well what it means to be dropped off in a new town and immediately start looking for a tax-cab when your phone no longer works but somehow you prevail. Travel has brought back what I had taken for granted due to all these Zooms and virtual meetings.