Saturday, 18 February 2017

Public Service, Spirituality, Leadership, Social Justice and How I can Use Them for My Personal and Professional Goals

                   Public service is both a system and a deliverable. Through this community members seek to present what they can to promote good and quality life in their communities. Public service is also a mechanism through which those with needs can meet service providers to have these needs addressed. Public service is an employment base in the hospitality sector. Being an employment base, it has to fulfill given standards such as: non-discrimination, equity, equality and equal opportunities for all. For one who is deeply spiritual this is an opportunity  to conduct oneself responsibly and accountably.
               Spirituality is an individual belief in a higher divinity and it compels many people to be accountable for their behavior; it compels people to be of service; it gives one transcendental direction and focus; and it is what enables one to be orderly, organized in personal planning and dealing with others. This ability to be organized provides outcomes such as fairness and other leadership qualities.
             Leadership is two things. First of all it springs from the qualities of a person as well as the description of duty that leader takes on. Being a leader and leadership are two different things that complement each other. The requirements of a leader are also qualities expected of such a person and these include: fairness, dependability, commitment, energetic, showing up, willingness to learn, willingness to be trained, discernment, patience, responsibility, able to guide others, experienced and friendly. These qualities are used to leverage one to conduct her/himself in different positions of duty bearing. It is these qualities that make public service an indispensable activity for communities.
            Public service may be tangible or not. It may be invisible or a visible service. But, it has to be accessible. However, not all who need it can access public service. This could be because of: social-economic, cultural, religious and physical status of the people. Or it could be because of the nature of the service itself being prohibitive and exclusionary.  In order to proactively factor in fair access, there needs to be objectives in place to reach out to those who are disenfranchised. This proactive planning that fairly distributes services to accommodate the needs of those who are discriminated is the objective of social justice. 

               Public service connects spirituality, leadership and social Justice ideals. Through it one is able to operationalize these ideals. This internship will enable me apply my understanding of  the relation between public Service, spirituality, leadership and social Justice. It will be an opportunity to further my personal and professional goals as well as my commitment to public service.