Saturday, 21 November 2020

COVID-19 Must Not Win, A Los Angeles Based Activist Joins the Campaign

Tom Rogers Muyunga-Mukasa is an expert community organizer. Tom is able to work effectively in a Laboratory, clinic or at the grassroots. This versatility was gained over so many years. We caught up with Tom and this is what he told us. 

Blog Interviewer:

Tom briefly tell us your experience in the corporate world.


My experience in other areas enables me to be the right candidate for this job. I have worked in both Massachusetts and California since 2012-2020. 


COVID-19 eradication campaigns are multi-faced. How can you convince a likely employer to choose you for an opening in their company?


I am competent, professional, and aware of the demands of the job. I shall be fully available to offer high quality assistance. I am patient and friendly with excellent communication skills, able to follow instructions and perform a variety of tasks to ensure quality life goals for the clients. 


Can you give our readers a snap-shot into the hands-on experience?


I have worked variously at the grassroots: as a Community Liaison connecting senior immigrants to health care services under the San Francisco General Hospital Refugee Program; HIV Prevention Committee Member under the UCSF-SGF HIV Prevention Program; Member of the Africa Advocacy Network serving San Jose, Oakland, San Francisco and Sacramento; as a Front-Office Manager under the Mercy Housing serving the Youth, families and Long Term Housing Services; and part-timed with the AIDS Foundation as a Housing Case Worker for LGBTIQQ Living with HIV in San Francisco.  


I noticed you have experience which enables you to acquire a multi-cultural sensitivity. How have you turned that cultural sensitivity around to benefit society?


Over the weekends I worked as a Care Giver Nurse at a long-term care facility with the Institute on Aging (IOA). I worked as the President for Best Buddies Club to raise consciousness around autism and down syndrome on Campuses. 


This experience enabled you to rise up the ranks of the corporate world. How have you turned your expertise into a campaign against COVID-19?


Until 11/06/2020, I was the Procurement and Logistics officer managing funds or resources provided to UNICEF-USA in Los Angeles. My task involved working with vulnerable children, link them to care, social services and provide consumables. I have been supervising over 10,000 homes which we have provided with anti-COVID-19 supplies regularly.  


Were any other skills called for in your work? If so how can you tell the likely employer or a reader of this blog how you juggle the skills for effective outcomes.


I am skilled in research, data-analysis, problem-solving and problem-posing techniques. I have the right leadership skills and the experience of managing responsive interventions targeting the homeless, children and families, Black, LatinX, Indigenous, LGBTQ, and other marginalized communities in California and Africa. I am a very careful but quick learner, team-player, skilled in design-thinking and execution of project plans, build and deepen relationships, and support the management of the team’s mission for reducing COVID-19 transmission.  


If you were to be employed or involved in managing a COVID-19 eradication program. Assure the potential employer.


I shall come with my recruitment skills, I am committed, a results-oriented person, able to work independently; organized, detail-oriented, flexible, a problem solver, and can plan around and through ambiguity. I can contribute to the fight against COVID-19. So, if you are out there and need a person with my kind of credentials do not hesitate to write to me on the following


Thank you Tom. Our readers, you never know Tom could be the best-fit your organization needs at this time. These are very strange times.

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